

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Beauty and the Beast

What a great day we had.  Here's the view from our room at breakfast:

Next was caffeine and a walk, during which a young Parisian guy hit on both of us. Sophie didn't think much of it but.... some of us have to take attention where we can get it.

Then, so much beauty at the lovely Musee D'Orsay:

(This last one is for those of you with OCD, just to get you going. Sorry I couldn't get it any straighter, hehe....)

 But then we spied this.  And decided to go for a ride.

And just as we walked back home, Sophie turned to me and said "We are definitely the luckiest people on earth," and how could I disagree with that?  We walked 25,000 steps in the Paris sunshine today and it was magnificent.

 Oh, and also, this.

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