

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Madrid, Caliente

Today's my last full day in Madrid.

It was 36 degrees out.  So what did we do? Naturally, we decided to walk uphill in the hot sun for about 15 minutes to get coffee with hot milk at a cafe. Since we hadn't eaten breakfast, the next obvious thing to do was walk a little farther, to the famous 'Chocolateria San Gines', which sells churros-- hot fried dough sticks-- that you dip in hot chocolate sauce.  (Don't judge; I'm on holidays here.)  And why choose to sit inside, in the air conditioned restaurant, when you can sit at a cafe table outside in the sun, and soak in the Madrid street atmosphere?  The inside of the restaurant is for chumps, not for stylish, seasoned travelers like us.

It was a trifle hot is all I'm saying.

Afterwards we did some sightseeing as we walked back, and then we had a hot lunch that my friend had recommended.  (I'm serious.  Some people never learn.)  We then walked off the heavy food at El Retiro park, a beautiful big park in the city that is of course a hot, sunny, uphill walk away from the restaurant.  The park has some shade!  But also very, very hot, sunny sections that have beautiful views of hot people doing hot stuff like rowing rowboats in the hot sun.  I sat down on a rock to watch the hot people row each other around and immediately leapt up because the rock was insanely hot from baking in the sun all day.

Did I mention I chose today to dress all in black?

Eventually we did the long, hot walk back home.  We stopped at the square near our apartment and bought cans of lemonade and drank it down all at once as we sat on a shady bench.  And guess what happened? A soccer ball rolled over to my feet.  I looked up and could tell it belonged to a little boy who was playing with his dad.  His dad was standing a ways away, very tanned and fit and dark and shirtless.  If you were middle aged and your eyes were starting to go, and you were squinting in the heat, you could mistake that dad for Cristiano Ronaldo.  I'm just saying.

I kicked the ball back.  It was hot.  And also kinda hawt.

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