

Monday, June 13, 2022

Uncouth in Vienna

Travel sucks! Why? Here’s a list

See if you can get the gist.

My bag is zipped but without doubt

Forgot to leave my liquids out

Security lineup’s long as heck

And I get picked for random check

Now at the gate and there’s a guy 

Who cuts the line- no reason why,

My flight’s delayed; they’re out of food

The customs folks are kinda rude

But when I get to a new city

Damn, it’s looking uber pretty!

The view’s divine, the locals cool

The buildings— architectural jewels

The metaphorical grass is green 

The sights— the best you’ve ever seen 

Vienna is a visual froth 

These folks are cut from different cloth 

Saw paintings, sculpture, coins and more

Music, churches, marble floors.

It’s gorgeous and I feel my luck 

And yet— alas, I am a schmuck

Cause—  it all feels like a lot 

Some designers lost the plot 

While violins can sound so placid 

Decor reads more like Trump on acid 

You like gold! We get it dude 

But when you use this much it’s crude 

Or maybe I’m just not cut out 

For what Vienna’s all about 

Like —I am sadly, such a keener

To giggle when there’s talk of weiners;

Get tipsy walking cobbled stones,

Waver into cycling zones

Not saying I am unintelligent 

But maybe somewhat... less than elegant

Vienna you are style and grace 

But I’m ready for a different pace 

And so tomorrow— off to Prague 

Where I will write a different blog :)


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