

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Selfies in Seattle

My iphone is vintage and does not have a rear facing camera, so selfies are tough for me to take.

“Can you take a ‘youie’ of me?” I asked Hannah in the lobby of our hotel in Seattle.


“A ‘youie’. It’s a selfie you take of other people,” I explain.

“Mom, that is not a thing.”

“Yes it is. I saw it on TV.”



“It’s not called that.”

“It totes is! Totes magotes! I’ve got all the lingo down, girl. I’m cool like that,” I say. I tried doing some rad hand gesture to illustrate my coolness, but it ended up with my just sticking my thumbs up and swirling them around.

Hannah covered her eyes with her hand for a second. “You. Are. Pathetic.” she said.

“Yeah,” I agreed.

At least the picture she took was kind of nice:

Also, there were other ironic pictures:

Girls being posers in the restaurant:

Our loaner hotel goldfish, whose presence wasn’t ironic but whose name was:

The Edgar Allan Poe metal lunchbox I found:

And the girls make-your-own lego selfies:

They were each able to choose one accessory. Hannah chose a microphone and Sophie chose a sword. Why? What does this mean? I am afraid.

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